rEvolve Services Pty Ltd has been environmentally aware since the company’s inception. As a company we have developed our processes and working environments with the aim of making our working spaces (both office and onsite) as environmentally friendly and efficient as possible.
Our current policies are:
- Commitment to educating staff in the environmental philosophy of office premises and onsite environments
- We will continue to explore areas of improvement wherever possible
- Implementation of new ideas where it is appropriate
- Continue to be innovative and a leader in the field of Conference Management as it relates to environmental sustainability and efficiency
- Provide and maintain a safe and friendly working environment
- Encourage our clients to adhere to good environmental practices
- Making informed purchasing decision and prioritising suppliers who demonstrate a similar commitment to the environment
- Have consideration for the materials and consumables that we recommend and use – we strive to only use environmentally safe products
- Reuse of event materials such as banners and name badges
- Minimising waste generated and recycling items such as toner cartridges and office paper
- Reducing energy consumption
We commit to encouraging our clients, contractors, and suppliers to adopt environmentally sustainable practices.